The followings are the tracks available (but not limited to) for the poster competition;


  1. Biomedical Engineering
  2. Chemical Engineering
  3. Mechanical Engineering
  4. Civil Engineering
  5. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  6. Computer Engineering


  1. Information Technology
  2. Management Technology
  3. Healthcare Technology
  4. Education Technology
  5. Agriculture Technology


  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology
  4. Bioscience
  5. Biotechnology
  6. Allied Health Science
  7. Animal Science
  8. Agriculture
  9. Animal Science
  10. Sport Science

Social Science

  1. Business 
  2. Management
  3. Human Resource Management/Development
  4. Strategic Management
  5. Risk Management
  6. Marketing
  7. Accounting
  8. Education