Slides & Extended Abstract Submission


All participant is required to submit a 4-pages extended abstract and prepare 3 slides presentation according to the 8th IURC 2024 format.

Acceptance is subjected to recommendations from the coordinator.


Slide and Extended Abstract Submissions

    • All participant must prepare their extended abstract and slides presentation following the format provided by the 8th IURC 2024 template.
    • Submit your extended abstract in Word File and slides in PowerPoint file using the provided Google Form link.
    • The extended abstract should be no more than 4 pages.
    • The presentation slides consist of no more than 3 slides.
    • All Tables and Figures must be referred in the extended abstract at least once.
    • By submitting the Extended Abstract, authors agree to permits Universiti Teknologi Malaysia to reproduce, publish, distribute, and archive the Abstract in both printed and digital forms.
    • Please make sure all the information provided in the submission form is correct.
    • Submission deadline for Extended Abstract and Slides: 10 June 2024 19 June 2024


• If you have further inquiries, kindly send an email to: