1. What is OTEC stand for?
OTEC is an abbreviation of “Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion“.
2. What is the definition of OTEC in your own words?
Sample Answer 1
“OTEC is a method of extracting the heat from the surface of ocean and converting it into power.“
– Prof Dato’ Ir Dr. Abu Bakar Jaafar,
Director of UTM OTEC–
Sample Answer 2
“OTEC is a method of converting heat from the Sun that stored in the surface layer of the sea into electrical energy or product equivalent.“
– Mr. Mohammad Syafiq Rahmat,
Research Officer –
3. What is the best definition of OTEC?
“Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion”
“… a method of converting part of the heat from the Sun which is stored in the heat surface layers of a body of water into electrical energy or energy product equivalent”;